This is the data format Microchip Technology uses for processors that have memory
mapped at 8000h (32k) and higher. In most aspects is it identical to the
INHX8M format.
The difference between an INHX8m file and an INHX32 file is the presence of type 04 records.
The type 04 record extends the maximum address from 16 bits to 32 bits.
For all type 04 records the byte count is 02 and the address field is 0000.
The two data bytes represent the upper 16 bits of the 32 bit address for all subsequent type
00 records until the next type 04 record.
If the file does not begin with a type 04 record, the upper 16 bits default to 0000.
Consider the following two record example from an INHX32 file.
:020000040001F9 :02000E00E4C943 The first record is explained as follows: : Start code. 02 Two data character pairs in all type 04 records. 00 Four-character 2-byte address field, 0x0000. 00 Address field is 0000 for all type 04 records. 04 Record type 04 is extended linear address record. 00 Four-character 2-byte data field representing the upper 01 16 bits of an extended linear address, 0x0001 F9 Checksum. The second record is explained as follows: : Start code. 02 Two data character pairs in this data record. 00 Four-character 2-byte address field showing 0E address 0x000E. 00 Record type 00 is data record. E4 Low byte of PIC data word. C9 High byte of PIC data word, 0xC9E4. 43 Checksum. 00010000 The extended linear address 000E plus the address from the data record 0001000E yields the effective address for the data (0xC9E4). Because the address is doubled the actaual PIC word address is 0x0001000E/2 = 0x8007