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Top view of completed Roboear circuit board Top view of microphone array showing channel numbers and bearings

The Roboear (Robot Ear) was designed to find the direction to nearby sound sources. In audiology this is called 'localization'. Humans can usually localize a sound to +- 10 degrees. The Roboear's three microphone array can usually localize a sound to a 30 degree sector. It uses amplitude comparison and acoustic cross-correlation to localize sounds. The Roboear's internal processing is done on a PIC 8-bit microcontroller. The Roboear can also function as an audio acquisition front-end for more powerful computers. Communication with the host computer is jumper selectable as either UART, or SPI. Complete documentation can be found in the user's manual on the Data & Documentation page.

Data exchange is via UART or SPI. UART format = 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1). Baud rates from 9600 to 76800. SPI modes 0,1,2,3 are available.
Microphone Array:
Three electret microphones arranged in an equilateral triangle, 10 cm per side
Can operate from +5 or +9 volt DC supplies. Current consumption < 100 mA at 5 volts.

The Roboear kit or bare printed circuit board were available from SERVO Magazine (T&L Publications) web store. Contact Lucid Technologies for the Roboear User's Manual if you purchase a kit from SERVO.

The current firmware version is 1.10.