Programmers developed by Lucid Technologies can read and program many EPROMs and 8-bit microcontrollers. Some of the chips we can read and program are the ATF16V8, MC6801, MC68701, MC68705P3, MC68705R3, MC68705U3, MC68705J1A, 2764, 27128 and 27256. Please inquire about other chips.
Do you need a custom design that includes an embedded microcontroller? Do you need special features added to one of Lucid's existing products? Whatever the job, Lucid is ready to offer a competitive bid. Please contact us with your requirements.
Do you need modifications to old 8-bit assembly code? Do you need a new program for a memory limited 8-bit micro? Lucid has years of experience in assembly language for Z80, 6800/01/02/03/04/05/08/HC05/HC11, and PIC microcontrollers.